IT Questions and Answers :)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Which of the Following is NOT a Sync Type when Syncing Files and Folders using SyncToy, FreeFileSync and other File Syncing Tools?

Which of the Following is NOT a Sync Type when Syncing Files and Folders using SyncToy, FreeFileSync and other File Syncing Tools?

  • Mirror
  •  Dedupe
  • Sync (Two-Way Sync)
  • Contribute (Update) 
Which of the Following is NOT a Sync Type when Syncing Files and Folders using SyncToy, FreeFileSync and other File Syncing Tools?


Dedupe is a Storage Technology which operates on a block level to save storage space using pointers to data blocks. It is not a file level operation.
Contribute / Update -> Updates Files from the Left Folder Path to the Right without deleting any files or folders. Renamed, Modified and New Files and Folders are added from Left to Right.
Sync (Two-Way Sync) - New items, Renames, Modifications and Deletions are synced from Left to Right and Right to Left Paths (both directions).
Mirror - Copies and Overwrites all file and folder items from the Left Path to The Right Path - creates a mirror copy from Left to Right File Paths. Useful for Backups to removable storage such as USB External Hard Drives.


What do registers provide for the CPU?

What do registers provide for the CPU?

  • Enable the CPU to control the address bus
  • Determine the clock speed
  • Enable the CPU to address RAM
  • Provide temporary storage of internal commands 
What do registers provide for the CPU?


A processor register is a quickly accessible location available to a digital processor's central processing unit (CPU). Registers usually consist of a small amount of fast storage, which the CPU uses to temporarily store internal commands and data.

Which of the following is not an automatic variable in PowerShell?

Which of the following is not an automatic variable in PowerShell?

  • $Matches
  • $Last
  • $args
  • $Error 

Which of the following is not an automatic variable in PowerShell?


While there are automatic variables for the last cmdlet executed, the last argument used in that cmdlet, and the exit status (False if it threw an error; True if it didn't), there is no automatic variable that represents the last full command, or the last command's output.  $Last is not an automatic variable in the shell.
$Error is an array that's populated by all errors output in the current session (by default, up to 256 errors, although this can be changed by changing the value in $MaximumErrorCount).
$args is an array containing any command line arguments that were passed to a function or script; it's only usable from within that function or script.  Typically, this is not used as "param()" is a lot more powerful and typically easier to work with.
$Matches is an array containing the results of the last match with regular expressions against a string.  Note that it does not get populated if the match was performed against an array; in that case, -match just outputs the matching items directly to output.


According to ITIL, which of the following should IT services provide to customers?

According to ITIL, which of the following should IT services provide to customers?

  • Skills
  • Risk
  • Value
  • Costs 
According to ITIL, which of the following should IT services provide to customers?


From the customer's point of view the value of a service consists of two basic elements:

Utility: The functionality offered by a product or service to meet a particular need. Utility can be summarized as ‘what the service does’, and can be used to determine whether a service is able to meet its required outcomes, or is ‘fit for purpose’. The business value of an IT service is created by the combination of utility and warranty.

Warrancy: Assurance that a product or service will meet agreed requirements. This may be a formal agreement such as a service level agreement or contract, or it may be a marketing message or brand image. Warranty refers to the ability of a service to be available when needed, to provide the required capacity, and to provide the required reliability in terms of continuity and security. Warranty can be summarized as ‘how the service is delivered’, and can be used to determine whether a service is ‘fit for use’. The business value of an IT service is created by the combination of utility and warranty.


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