IT Questions and Answers :)

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Which of the following protocols is NOT normally used by someone surfing the web?

Which of the following protocols is NOT normally used by someone surfing the web?

  • HTTP
  • RIP
  • RTSP
  • TCP 
Which of the following protocols is NOT normally used by someone surfing the web?


The Transmission Control Protocol is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol suite. It originated in the initial network implementation in which it complemented the Internet Protocol. Therefore, the entire suite is commonly referred to as TCP/IP. 

 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.

Routing information protocol is most commonly deployed routing protocols, most of the operating windows, Linux and novel system use RIP. Routing information protocol is normally suitable for small office, medium office, branch office environment and flat networks. RIP is an interior routing protocol and used in inter-domain environment.  RIP have following three versions:

1. RIPv1 (version 1)
2. RIPv2 (version 2, VLMS and authentication support)
3. RIP NG (new generation, support IPV6)

 The Real Time Streaming Protocol is a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers. The protocol is used for establishing and controlling media sessions between end points.

What does SQL stands for?

What does SQL stands for?

  • Just SQL
  • Simple Query Language
  • Structured Query Language
  • Server Query Language 
What does SQL stands for?


 SQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system. It is particularly useful in handling structured data

SQL stands for Structured Query Language which is the best programming language held in relational database management system. SQL is mainly used to handle and manage the data. SQL is domain specific language which is used to manage the data. We need to handle structured data in so many cases. So SQL language is mainly used to manage structured data.
Following are some bullet points related to SQL Language :

1.SQL also known as – SEQUEL stands for Structured Query Language.

2.SQL is first created by IBM systems database research team in early 1970.

3.SQL is used as universal programming language to handle and manage data by multiple database management systems.

Database Management Systems which uses SQL :



3.Microsoft SQL Server





4.SQL language is responsible for querying the information in specified database.

Example of query :

Fetch the data from Customer table.

Select * from Customer;

5.SQL is best performing database programming language and now a days so many giants using SQL as database programming language.

6.So many database management system depends on SQL for managing the data like- Oracle,MySQL,MS-SQL,PostgreSQL.

7.SQL uses ANSI standards which stands for American National Standard Institute.

8.SQL is used to perform multiple tasks on database – Examples – Update the data in database, Insert the data in database table.

9.There are following important SQL commands used by most of database management systems:

1.Select : Select Command is used to select data

Example : Select all data from Customer table.

    Select * from Customer;

2.Insert: Insert command is used to insert the data

Insert a data in customer table.

    Insert into Customer(Cust_id,name)

    values(‘1′,’Amit S’);

The above statement will insert data in customer table.

3.Update: Update command is used to update the data from database.

    Update Customer set Cust_id=’100′ where name=’Amit S’;

The above statement will update the customer id from 1 to 100 where name=’Amit S’

4.Delete : Delete command is used to delete the data.

    Delete from Customer where cust_id=100;

The above statement will delete the data where cust_id is 100.

10.SQL language is designed to stored the data but this data is not static data. User can modify data anytime.

These are some key points for What does SQL stand for ? Hope you get better idea about different SQL statement.

I am hoping that with this article you will get to know idea about What does SQL stands for? I have tried to give you example of each and every point.




Which of the following is not considered a valid factor for multi-factor authentication?

Which of the following is not considered a valid factor for multi-factor authentication?

  • Something you are
  • Something you know
  • Something you have
  • Something you do 

Which of the following is not considered a valid factor for multi-factor authentication?


Types of authentication factors

When it comes to MFA, we typically refer to three types of authentication factors:
  • Something you know (knowledge), such as a password or PIN
  • Something you have (possession), such as a badge or smartphone
  • Something you are (inheritance), indicated through bio metrics, like fingerprints or voice recognition



Which of the following is NOT a method for encoding text characters on a computer?

Which of the following is NOT a method for encoding text characters on a computer?

  • ANSI
Which of the following is NOT a method for encoding text characters on a computer?


EBCDIC encoding. EBCDIC, in fullextended binary-coded decimal interchange code., Data-encoding system, developed by IBM, that uses a unique eight-bit binary code for each number and alphabetic character as well as punctuation marks and accented letters and non-alphabetic characters. 

ANSI encoding. ANSI encoding is a slightly generic term used to refer to the standard code page on a system, usually Windows. ... This is essentially an extension of the ASCII character set in that it includes all the ASCII characters with an additional 128 character codes.

ASCII, abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices.

A six-bit character code is a character encoding designed for use on computers with word lengths a multiple of 6. Six bits can only encode 64 distinct characters, so these codes generally include only the upper-case letters, the numerals, some punctuation characters, and sometimes control characters.

What does the acronym ROM stand for?

What does the acronym ROM stand for?

  • Read online memory
  • Random-only memory
  • Read-only memory
  • Random online memory 
What does the acronym ROM stand for?


Read-only memory (ROM) is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM can only be modified slowly, with difficulty, or not at all, so it is mainly used to store firmware (software that is closely tied to specific hardware, and unlikely to need frequent updates) or application software in plug-in cartridges.


Friday, July 17, 2020

What is the fastest storage media from the following

What is the fastest storage media from the following

  • USB 1.1 Pendrive
  • Floppy Disk
  • SSD
  • HDD 
What is the fastest storage media from the following


A USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated USB interface. It is typically removable, rewritable and much smaller than an optical disc. Most weigh less than 30 g. Since first appearing on the market in late 2000, as with virtually all other computer memory devices, storage capacities have risen while prices have dropped.

Floppy Disks are extremely slow.
SSD are the fastest of the above


Thursday, July 16, 2020

In Windows Server 2008 R2, which of the following tools allows you to manually force replication between your domain controllers?

In Windows Server 2008 R2, which of the following tools allows you to manually force replication between your domain controllers?

  • Active Directory Administrative Center
  • Active Directory Sites and Services
  • Active Directory Users and Computers
  • Active Directory Domains and Trusts 
In Windows Server 2008 R2, which of the following tools allows you to manually force replication between your domain controllers?


You can use Active Directory Sites and Services to force Active Directory replication to occur between two domain controllers on a one-time basis when you want changes to be replicated from the server that received the changes to a server in another site sooner than the site link schedule allows.
As an alternative, you can synchronize replication with all replication partners.


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