IT Questions and Answers :)

Monday, January 25, 2021

Which of the following is NOT in the same subnet as the other 3

Which of the following is NOT in the same subnet as the other 3


 Which of the following is NOT in the same subnet as the other 3


In IP v4. The range is from to with a 29 bit subnet mask.

Giving a total of 8 hosts on the sunbet, although only 6 are usable.


Friday, January 22, 2021

In macOS, what are the default numeric file permissions on a user home folder; /Users/username/?

In macOS, what are the default numeric file permissions on a user home folder; /Users/username/?

  • 755
  • 777
  • 775
  • 733 

In macOS, what are the default numeric file permissions on a user home folder; /Users/username/?


By default, the permissions on a home folder are drwxr-xr-x or 755. This allows other users on the system access to the top level of the the home folder so that they can access the Public and Sites folders to read or send files to the owner. The main other folders (Desktop, Documents, etc) are locked to drwx------ so that only the owner has access.




Thursday, January 21, 2021

How do you search for text using the Nano text editor?

How do you search for text using the Nano text editor?

  • Control + F
  • Control + W
  • Control + O
  • Control + S


Rather than using 'F' for 'find' Nano uses 'W' for 'Where Is'.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Microsoft's HoloLens is what type of device?

Microsoft's HoloLens is what type of device?

Augmented reality
Machine learning
Virtual reality
Mixed reality 
Microsoft's HoloLens is what type of device?


Mixed reality (MR) not just overlays, but anchors virtual objects to real-world objects and allows the user to interact with combined virtual/real objects.

  • Virtual reality (VR) immerses users in a fully artificial digital environment.
  •   Augmented reality (AR) overlays virtual objects on the real-world environment with spatial registration that enables geometric persistence concerning placement and orientation within the real world. Prior technologies that overlaid data or images not spatially registered to real-world geometries are referred to as heads-up display technologies.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

You can view all running processes on a computer in PowerShell with what command?

You can view all running processes on a computer in PowerShell with what command?

  • Get-Process
  • Show-Process
  • Gimme-Dem-Processes
  • List-Process 

You can view all running processes on a computer in PowerShell with what command?


The command Get-Process shows all current running processes. You can pipe the output into other commands to get even more detail and information.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

In our Linux machine, we've found an issue, maybe some driver is not loaded properly during the boot process, how can we be sure?

In our Linux machine, we've found an issue, maybe some driver is not loaded properly during the boot process, how can we be sure?

  • init 6 command
  • whoami command
  • dmesg command
  • w command 

In our Linux machine, we've found an issue, maybe some driver is not loaded properly during the boot process, how can we be sure?


dmesg (Display message or driver message) is a command which will show Kernel ring buffers. These messages contain valuable information about device drivers loaded into the kernel at the time of booting as well as when we connect a hardware to the system on the fly. In other words dmesg will give us details about hardware drivers connected to, disconnected from a machine and any errors when hardware driver is loaded into the kernel. These messages are helpful in diagnosing or debugging hardware and device driver issues




Monday, January 11, 2021

When programming in Python 3, which code has the right syntax?

When programming in Python 3, which code has the right syntax?

  • print("Hello, World")
  • print("Hello, World')
  • print("Hello, World"
  • print (Hello, World) 


Syntax errors are a the most common problem when programming.  For basic programming, an open bracket is required for any parameters to be passed to a function, and strings (text) requires quotes to distinguish itself from any variables in the code.  


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