IT Questions and Answers :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Regarding the well-known Commodore 64 BASIC V2 command [LOAD "*",8,1], which of the following is true?

Regarding the well-known Commodore 64 BASIC V2 command [LOAD "*",8,1], which of the following is true?

  • The 1 refers to the use the keyboard as input 1.
  • The 8 refers to the first disk drive.
  • $ and * are interchangeable.
  • LOAD can be abbreviated as Lo in this command. 
Regarding the well-known Commodore 64 BASIC V2 command [LOAD "*",8,1], which of the following is true?


The device number 8 refers to the first disk drive. Device numbers range from 8-15 with 8 referencing the first disk drive. 9, the second disk drive, and so on.
The 1 is a secondary number and determines how the program will be loaded. 1 specifies that the program will be loaded absolute. 0 specifies that the program will be loaded to the start of BASIC memory.
The quoted symbol is the filename parameter. The * symbol will have the command load the first file. The $, load the disk directory.
The LOAD command can be abbreviated but not as Lo. Commodore BASIC shortcuts have a lowercase first letter and and capitalized second letter. The abbreviation lO (lower L, capital O) will work.



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