IT Questions and Answers :)

Monday, April 22, 2019

What is the command to restart IIS services on the command line?

What is the command to restart IIS services on the command line?

  • iisrestart
  • iisreset
  • iisrecycle
  • iisrefresh 

What is the command to restart IIS services on the command line?


An IIS server can be restarted without rebooting the entire machine by running the iisreset command on the command line.  There is a button on the IIS management console that can also do this; additionally, you can manually restart the services involved.

Take IISReset as a suite of commands that helps you manage IIS start / stop etc.
Which means you need to specify option (/switch) what you want to do to carry any operation.
Default behavior OR default switch is /restart with iisreset so you do not need to run command twice with /start and /stop.
Hope this clarifies your question. Check this MS DOS help picture you will understand.



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