IT Questions and Answers :)

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What kind of attack comes from many sources and overwhelms a server, making it unavailable?

What kind of attack comes from many sources and overwhelms a server, making it unavailable?

  • Man in the middle
  • DDoS
  • Identity spoofing
  • Watering hole 


A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. They target a wide variety of important resources, from banks to news websites, and present a major challenge to making sure people can publish and access important information.

$150 can buy a week-long DDoS attack on the black market. TrendMicro Research
More than 2000 daily DDoS Attacks are observed world-wide by Arbor Networks. ATLAS Threat Report
1/3 of all downtime incidents are attributed to DDoS attacks. Verisign/Merril Research

Building Capacity

Attackers build networks of infected computers, known as 'botnets', by spreading malicious software through emails, websites and social media. Once infected, these machines can be controlled remotely, without their owners' knowledge, and used like an army to launch an attack against any target. Some botnets are millions of machines strong. 




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