IT Questions and Answers :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Which of the following conditions can yield a " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" message?

Which of the following conditions can yield a " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" message?

  • Allow all cryptographic protocols/ciphers, including vulnerable ones, to run on the JVM and server
  • Restricting the JVM and server to use only ONE common protocol/cipher
  • A cryptographic protocol/cipher mismatch between the JVM and the JRE
  • A cryptographic protocol/cipher mismatch between the JVM and server 

Which of the following conditions can yield a " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" message?


The error message " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" is notoriously a signal of an issue between the cryptographic protocols and/or ciphers available on both the server and JVM.
Essentially, the error translates to "None of the cryptographic protocols and ciphers on the server and JVM match" thus the initial "Handshake" between the systems fails.



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