IT Questions and Answers :)

Monday, December 30, 2019

What command do you use if you have 2 stacked 48 port Enterasys/Extreme B5 switches and you wish to set port 41 on the second switch to vlan 4?

What command do you use if you have 2 stacked 48 port Enterasys/Extreme B5 switches and you wish to set port 41 on the second switch to vlan 4?

  • set port vlan ge.2.41 4
  • set port vlan ge.1.41 4
  • set vlan ge.2.41 4
  • set port vlan 4 ge.2.41 


When utilizing this command the structure is set up as {set port vlan} then the port(s) on the switch you wish to set, in this case switch 2 port 41 so ge.2.41 followed by the vlan you want to set the port to, in this case 4 (further commands can follow this if needed, but in this example it was not) For a more detailed look at the procedure you can go to

How to Configure VLAN on EOS Switches


TitleHow to Configure VLAN on EOS Switches
The following shows how to configure  VLANs and verify the configuration.   
  • SecureStack
  • K-Series
  • 7100-Series
  • S-Series
  • I - Series
1.  Create the VLAN
set vlan create <vlan-id>
set vlan create 100

2.  Optionally name the VLAN 
set vlan name <vlan-id> <name>
set vlan name 100 vlan-blue

3.  Add ports to the VLAN Untagged
Set the Port VLAN ID (PVID) to egress the VLAN untagged to connect to devices that are not tagging (workstations, etc) 

set port vlan <port-string> <vlan-id> modify-egress

set port vlan ge.1.1 100 modify-egress
4.  Configure the port to egress tagged traffic  for devices that require tags/ Remove a tagged VLAN from a port.

set vlan egress vlan <vlan-id> <port-string> tagged

set vlan egress 100 ge.1.2 tagged

clear vlan egress vlan <vlan-id> <port-string> 

clear vlan egress 100 ge.1.2 

Tagged is the default, so the VLAN will be tagged on the port unless untagged is specified with "modify-egress."

Warning EOS allows multiple VLANs to be sent out the same port untagged which is not recommended because of the  potential to have traffic switched to the wrong VLAN on uplinks with multiple VLANs.
5.  Verifying VLAN Config
show VLAN information on a port

Show  vlan portinfo port ge.1.1
 Port           VLAN      Ingress   Egress
                          Filter     Vlan
ge.1.1         1          N          untagged: 1 tagged: 2

6.  Type show vlan, to see information about VLANs with at least one active link; VLANs with no link will not display. 

C5(su)->show vlan static 
 VLAN: 1             NAME: DEFAULT VLAN
 VLAN Type: Default
 Egress Ports
ge.1.1, ge.1.46
 Forbidden Egress Ports
 Untagged ports
ge.1.1, ge.1.46

7.  To see information about  all configured ports regardless if they have a link, add static to the end of the command.

C5(su)->show vlan static

 VLAN: 1             NAME: DEFAULT VLAN
 VLAN Type: Default
 Egress Ports
ge.1.1-48, tg.1.49-50, lag.0.1-6
 Forbidden Egress Ports
 Untagged ports
ge.1.1-48, tg.1.49-50, lag.0.1-6



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