IT Questions and Answers :)

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Which of the following NoSQL databases is considered a document database?

Which of the following NoSQL databases is considered a document database?

  • Cassandra
  • Druid
  • MongoDB
  • HBase 

Which of the following NoSQL databases is considered a document database?


A NoSQL (originally referring to "non SQL" or "non relational") database provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving data which is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases. MongoDB is document-oriented database, or document store, designed for storing, retrieving, and managing semi-structured data.. Cassandra, Druid, and HBase are column databases, a NoSQL object of the lowest level in a keyspace. It is a tuple consisting of three elements: unique name, value, and timestamp.


What is the decimal answer to the binary equation 10111110 + 01001101?

What is the decimal answer to the binary equation 10111110 + 01001101?

  • 247
  • 269
  • 198
  • 267 

What is the decimal answer to the binary equation 10111110 + 01001101?


190 + 77 = 267
For additional information on binary numbers:
For how to convert binary numbers:

What "bit" architecture did the Intel 8086 use?

What "bit" architecture did the Intel 8086 use?

  • 16
  • 32
  • 4

What "bit" architecture did the Intel 8086 use?


Intel 8086 microprocessor is a first member of x86 family of processors. Advertised as a "source-code compatible" with Intel 8080 and the Intel 8085 processors, the 8086 was not object code compatible with them. The 8086 has complete 16-bit architecture - 16-bit internal registers, 16-bit data bus, and 20-bit address bus (1 MB of physical memory). Because the processor has 16-bit index registers and memory pointers, it can effectively address only 64 KB of memory. To address memory beyond 64 KB the CPU uses segment registers - these registers specify memory locations for code, stack, data and extra data 64 KB segments. The segments can be positioned anywhere in memory, and, if necessary, user programs can change their position. This addressing method has one big advantage - it is very easy to write memory-independent code when the size of code, stack and data is smaller than 64 KB each. The complexity of the code and programming increases, sometimes significantly, when the size of stack, data and/code is larger than 64 KB. To support different variations of this awkward memory addressing scheme many 8086 compilers included 6 different memory models: tiny, small, compact, medium, large and huge. 64 KB direct addressing limitation was eliminated with the introduction of the 32-bit protected mode in intel 80386 Processor

You want to change your email from your current hosting provider to Google Apps. What should you do to ensure the change does not take more than an hour?

You want to change your email from your current hosting provider to Google Apps. What should you do to ensure the change does not take more than an hour?

  • Change the MX record to the ones provided by Google
  • Change your NS records to Google IP address
  • Create a new A record
  • Check and lower the TTL 

You want to change your email from your current hosting provider to Google Apps. What should you do to ensure the change does not take more than an hour?


It's always a very good idea to check and lower the Time-To-Live (TTL) for a domain to ensure that any changes made are propagated in a short time frame and your customers and boss remain happy. NOTE: TTL is normally specified in seconds, you need to divide by 60 to get minutes.
In the end you will need to change the MX record, but changing the MX record does not change how quickly the change will happen.


Which of the following are two authentic public DNS server addresses?

Which of the following are two authentic public DNS server addresses?

  • &
  • &
  • &
  • & 
Which of the following are two authentic public DNS server addresses?



The two public DNS Server Addresses of and are Googles Public DNS Servers that are free for use.

When it comes to email, what is Postfix?

When it comes to email, what is Postfix?

  • A mail user agent
  • Paid software
  • A mail submission agent
  • A mail transfer agent 
When it comes to email, what is Postfix?



Postfix is a mail transfer agent (MTA), which handle the long-haul delivery of the mail to other MTAs. Postfix supports LDAP, SMTP AUTH (SASL), TLS, and running in a chroot environment.

Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) is a(n):

Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) is a(n):

  • Hierarchical UML design pattern
  • Common backup media rotation strategy
  • Inheritance design standard in object-oriented programming
  • Layered SDN (software defined networking) design standard 

Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) is a(n):


Grandfather-Father-Son is a common backup media rotation strategy. It employs a daily-weekly-monthly approach that addresses near-term and long-term (archival) backup concerns.

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