IT Questions and Answers :)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Modern ethernet protocol relies on CSMA/CD to provide reliable communications. Does 802.11 WLANs also use CSMA/CD?

Modern ethernet protocol relies on CSMA/CD to provide reliable communications. Does 802.11 WLANs also use CSMA/CD?

  • Yes - CSMA/CD will set proper throughput
  • No - CSMA/CD is never used in wi-fi WLANs
  • No - CSMA/CD is never used in modern networks
  • Yes - CSMA/CD will setup channel number 
Modern ethernet protocol relies on CSMA/CD to provide reliable communications. Does 802.11 WLANs also use CSMA/CD?


CSMA/CD isn't ever used for Wifi LANs but the question specifically uses the word "modern" and MODERN wired LANs don't use it either. Modern wired networks rely on collision detection being performed by the switch - and the explanation offered even says:
CSMA/CD - Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection - is a media access control method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area ..
Note: "... used most notably in EARLY Ethernet technology ..."




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